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Happy National Grammar Day!

Here is a big shout out to all of your English teachers along the way who taught you the importance of English grammar! Happy National Grammar Day! Proper punctuation can be the difference of a wonderful meal together or cannibalism!

Let’s eat, Grandma!
Let’s eat Grandma!

Going back, I remember the endless drills in English class, doing sentence diagrams, comma, semicolons…the works! It was a tedious task, but it does make a bid difference when it comes to clarity in your final message.

Getting Grammar Help

For many people, the rules of grammar have gone by the wayside. You may not remember if it’s “its” or “it’s” – or “affect” and “effect” might be confusing! No worries, here are some great resources to help you in answering those questions.

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When Not to Sweat the Grammar

While grammar is very important in a final manuscript, make sure you don’t get stuck in your writing process. As you begin writing, get the words out. Once  you have the words on the page, then you can go back and rework the words to say precisely what you would like them to say. You can also bring an editor on board to help you with that editing process.

Celebrate with Clarity

As we celebrate National Grammar Day, let go of the agonizing memories of the tedious exercises Ms. Johnson put you through in school. You always asked the question, “When am I EVER gonna use this?!?!?!” The answer…today! Speak and write with clarity, and let grammar help you with your success!

Chime in on the Conversation

What is your favorite grammar rule or mnemonic to help you remember the rules of the English language? Share them below!

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