
Face Your Fear with Writing

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Face your Fear through Writing

“You can make anything by writing.” – C.S Lewis We are in a very unique time in world history. It is like this little fuzzy gray ball with red triangles on it is telling us, “face your fear!” The worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 has brought with it a plethora of emotions, feelings, and reactions. I […]


Faith or Fear? Choose Faith in God

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Faith or Fear? It is your choice

In the midst of a storm our Heavenly Father has us in the palm of His hands.  Faith or Fear? His Word or our circumstances? Why do we fear when we have the God of the universe providing us with His truth, promises and protection?  Where is Your Focus – Faith or Fear? Turn to […]


The Power of Podcasting for Authors

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Being a successful author goes beyond just the ability to write a book. It is important that you can share your message to as many people as possible. One of the great ways to be heard by people who may not know you yet is through podcasting. Now if you haven’t heard of podcasting, don’t […]


Journaling for Clarity and Vision

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Journaling for Clarity

Many are calling 2020 “the year of focus” or “the year of clarity.” So let me ask, do you have a clear vision or focus on how God is calling you to move forward in this hour? You are called to build His Kingdom. You are designed for a specific purpose in His plan; however, […]


How Do You Process Feedback?

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How Do You Process Feedback?

As the saying goes, “opinions are like belly buttons, everybody’s got one.” It is so true, every person is going to feel “some-kinda-way” about you, your work, and  your decisions. Many times they will even verbalize it. The question is, how do you process that feedback? Just the thought of receiving criticism will keep some […]