
Faith or Fear? Choose Faith in God

Faith or Fear? It is your choice

In the midst of a storm our Heavenly Father has us in the palm of His hands.  Faith or Fear? His Word or our circumstances? Why do we fear when we have the God of the universe providing us with His truth, promises and protection? 

Where is Your Focus – Faith or Fear?

Turn to Joshua in the Bible. I’m sure you have heard this or are hearing pastors preach on this right now.  It talks about the Israelites crossing the Jordan, on their way to the Promised land. Joshua 1:5-6 says “I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Be strong and courageous…” Joshua 3 says that God had them camp before entering the Promised land.  He has us stop! God gives us a moment to stop and be still. They weren’t stuck in the wilderness, they stopped. We need to keep thanking God. We need to believe God is good. He cannot be shaken by a storm. If you have anxiety, depression, stop watching the news, the stocks, etc.!  I feel God is saying, “Stop and spend time with me before we cross over to something new.” We wonder why we don’t have any peace. Don’t keep scrolling your Instagram, your Facebook, and TV channels. We know enough about God, and He will get us through this valley.  

Attitude Check

What is our attitude as we walk through the valley of the unknown? Psalm 23-28, “The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not be in want.” It seems like the Lord has to give us a red light for us the lie down… “He makes me lie down in green pastures…” We need to stop living by our feelings and sight and start living by faith. We need to stop wasting our strength. Deal with today, God has our tomorrow’s. After being quarantined, we will come together, and we will know which way to go. This is nothing new for God. Give God His job back.  Let’s take time to listen to the Word of God. We need to not worry about what He is already working on. When God says stop, the storm has to listen. Remember in Matthew 8:23-37 when Jesus was sleeping in the boat during a storm? When He was woken up by His disciples, He told the storm to stop, and it did. Jesus was sleeping because He knew something.

We Have Help

God is our present help. The Coronavirus has us keeping our distance from one another but it is giving us a stronger faith. God’s agreement with us is His covenant. In Joshua 3:5, Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” When God said to consecrate ourselves, He meant to wholly dedicate yourself to Him. During this Coronavirus pandemic we may feel distant from the Lord, from people, and from the unknown. But the Lord will do amazing things among us. We don’t know what He is preparing us for.  We need to embrace today’s process and let God be God. Believe His promises for you, and speak them over you and your family. 

Author Debbie BaileyThis post was written by Kingdom Publishing author Debbie Bailey. She is the author of the book Getting It to Stick: A Parent’s Devotional to Incorporate God’s Word Into the Life of Your Teen. She gives very practical tips on incorporating The Word of God into the conversation and lives of your teens.

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