
Unblocking Writer’s Block

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8 tips to overcoming writer's block

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I know I want to share some encouragement through my words, but I have been sitting here for twenty minutes, and NOTHING.” Writer’s block. “This is a total waste of time. Maybe I am not cut out to be a writer. But God told me I would impact people […]


Focused Writing Creates Big Impact

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Writing for Impact

Have you ever thought about writing a book or a short story, but have a hard time getting started? It most likely is because you are not focused. Even if you are more of a journal writer, it can be difficult on where to start writing if you aren’t sure exactly what you want to […]


Breaking Through Writer’s Block

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So you have the fabulous idea to write a book. You sit down at your computer and…NOTHING! You start to write and then you hear the “tap, tap, tap, tap” of the backspace button. The cursor is taunting you as it sits there winking at you off the blank page. UGH!!!! Writer’s Block! I don’t […]