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Unblocking Writer’s Block

8 tips to overcoming writer's block

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I know I want to share some encouragement through my words, but I have been sitting here for twenty minutes, and NOTHING.”

Writer’s block.

“This is a total waste of time. Maybe I am not cut out to be a writer. But God told me I would impact people through my words…so WHY aren’t the words flowing freely?”

Do you ever feel that way? Well, you are not alone.

Some call it writer’s block; I call it frustrating!

Here are seven ways to get the juices flowing again and break through what might be holding you back from starting or completing your manuscript…

7 Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block

1. Pray and Praise

A great place to start if you are stuck is to reach out to THE CREATOR – God! Before you ask for anything, lift up some praise. Thank Him for who He is and what He has already given you. Ask for help, inspiration, and creativity. Open your heart and mind to hear from Him and flow with the Holy Spirit.

Dance to a praise song or turn on some instrumental worship in the background while you write.

2. Just Start Writing

One great way to beat “writer’s block” is to just start writing! Whether you are using a computer or a piece of paper and a pen, just start putting words on the paper. It might sound something like this:

I don’t know what to write. The words seem stuck, and this paper is very white, but I am overcoming my setbacks by taking action. Taking action can be even the smallest step…

I have found this exercise “primes the pump.” Once the words start appearing on the page, the wall of writer’s block is broken and meaningful words start to flow on to the page!

3. Walk it Out

Research shows that walking can increase creativity up to 81%. Yep, a simple walk can help your mind get unstuck. Studys show this increase both while you are walking and for a short period of time after you sit down from your walk. Capture all of your brainstorms while you are walking by using a notes app on your phone!

4. Read or listen to a book

The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun; so taking a look at how other authors have put their book together, or the way they speak to their reader can be helpful in getting you unstuck.

I am NOT recommending plagiarism. Study their methods of writing, storytelling and connecting with their audience. If they are using a technique that resonates with you, ask yourself, “How can I add that into my manuscript?”

*Bonus – listen to an audio book. In my journey to try fiction writing, I have begun listening to fiction audio books. This has helped me as I write and edit my manuscript. I imagine how it would sound as an audio book.

5. Skip Over the Block

If you are stuck on what to write in your current chapter, make a note to come back, and then move on to another part of the book. For my nonfiction writers, you can move to the next point you want to explain. For my fiction writers, jump to a different character or a different scene. Just because most books are read from front to back doesn’t mean they are written that way!

6. Think Specific

When you focus on meeting the specific need of a specific person, it is much easier to write about it.

Let’s play a game. Write about appetizers. The prompt is kind of overwhelming. Do I write out different recipes? Talk about the history of appetizers? Share my favorite one? Are we talking appetizers for kids, adults, vegetarians?

What if I made it more specific and asked you to share some appetizers recipe for a summertime romantic picnic. Through the additional parameters, it spurs more ideas of what can solve this specific problem.

If you are experiencing writer’s block, think not just about your “target market” as a whole, but think of writing specifically to Scott or Pat, one specific person in your target market. What stories would you tell them? What advice would you give if you were writing directly to them?

7. Set Aside a Specific Writing Time

Humans are creatures of habit. Set a consistent appointment with yourself to write. When you have it set in your mind that every day from ___ to ___ is your writing time, your mind will begin to prepare for it.

Also, by having a writing schedule, you begin to gain momentum in writing your manuscript. The consistency makes it easier to jump back in right where you left off.

8. Connect with Other Writers

Writing is usually a individual “sport.” One way to get unstuck is to connect with other authors. Learn what they are doing. Find out about conferences and writing workshops. Help each other stay accountable.

To help you with that, Kingdom Publishing is bringing our program Time 2 Write back! Get connected with other writers and set aside time in your schedule to come and write. It will be the third Thursday of the month from 6:15-7:45PM MT. It will be both in-person and online.

The in-person seating is very limited, so please RSVP right away. This will allow us to connect as writers, learn about what each other is doing, and then have some time set aside to write!

Breakthrough your Writer’s Block

Brain farts are normal. When you find yourself not knowing what to write, you are completely normal. The important part is you don’t stay in that place too long. It doesn’t matter if you are writing a book, a blog post or even in your personal journal, it is important to not let your words get stuck. Your writing is important, so don’t let it get silenced before it ever makes it out on the page.

The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.Les Brown


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