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Why Share My Story? Does my Testimony Really Matter?

Why should I share my story?

I think we all have experienced the lie of insignificance at some point in life; where we feel that our story, our actions, or our work just doesn’t mean much. So why share my story? We can become convinced that our tale is just like everyone else’s. Or we take the flip side of the coin, and begin to believe that our story is so strange and out there that no one else will relate or believe it.

The truth is, the story that God has written with your life is not only special and unique, but it comes with purpose…Kingdom Purpose!

So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.
Romans 8:28 TPT

Share Your Story. It is Unique.

I challenge you to tell your story. When I put out this challenge, one of the main responses I receive is something like, “But someone has already shared a story about ________________.” You can fill in that blank with topics like domestic violence, adoption, divorce, falling in love, reaching a goal, etc. And the truth is, someone most likely HAS already written a story about that topic. However, they haven’t written YOUR story about that topic.

The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun; but time and time again, it shows how God chooses to personally interact with and draw His children back to Him in different ways…and many times mind blowing ways! That is where your testimony comes in.

God highlighted this concept while I was on a run this summer. I was giving half a notice to the splashes of color that dotted my route. As I was running, God started slowing me down and pointing out all of the different types of flowers that I was passing right on by. I began to notice how unique and special each one was, I realized that I had lumped them all into one category, flowers.

Upon examining the varying types, first I noticed the different colors; pink, orange, purple, yellow, and white. Then the different shapes and sizes started to fascinate me. Some were round balls while others were tall and skinny. Some were a sphere of little balls that exploded into a ball of stars. There were itty bitty tiny ones and others that were the size of my open hand. Even though they were all flowers, each one was different and unique.

The unique beauty of each different flower radiated God’s glory in its own special way. Just like each one of our testimonies are unique in telling the same story of God faithfulness, love, and goodness…a story that never gets old.

It Will Bless You

I know for me, one of the hardest things about writing my story was going back and opening up those past experiences and emotions. There was so much pain and hurt, I shoved those memories and feelings so deep inside, I never wanted to visit them again. What I can tell you is that going back for another look, but this time exploring it with the love of Jesus; I saw the experience in a whole new light. This new perspective brought deep healing to me. I was able to forgive myself and forgive the others who were involved. The old feelings of shame, fear, guilt,  and condemnation vanished.

They triumphed over him [satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Revelation 12:11 NIV

The Story You Share Isn’t Just About You – It is Designed to Help Others

In the book Speak Up, Sister!, Jamie Dandar McKinney talks about the power of working together. She uses the example of birds by flying in a V formation. By working together in this way, they increase their range by 71%. It all happens because the one in the front provides the uplift for the birds behind it. That front bird is doing the hard work to help the rest of the flock.

So, your testimony of what God has done for you can provide that hope or encouragement that someone needs to take that step of faith to trust God. By sharing your story, you are becoming that front bird providing the uplift for those ones following behind…and we all end up going further.

I’m not gonna lie, it isn’t always easy sharing your testimony. But just like that front, you are being called to do the extra work to help the flock. God will help you and give you everything you need to succeed in sharing your testimony.


Getting Started

Don’t put undue pressure on yourself when you begin to write out your testimony. This first draft doesn’t need to be a screenplay ready to be made into a full length movie. You can start it in your journal or in a blank Word document. Ask God to help you. This first draft, and even the second, third and fourth drafts maybe for your eyes only…and that is ok. It is the exercise of just sitting down and writing it out. There is power in words. Trust God and trust the process…but ultimately get started – take the next step of sharing your story. Your testimony really DOES matter!


Need help getting started? Download this FREE guide – 7 Keys to Start Writing Your Story

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