
5 Ways to Become a Published Author

Most people would describe a published author as someone who has written a book. What if I challenged you to expand your definition of author to include those who write blogs, articles, short stories, screen plays, poetry, and more? Expanding your definition may be just what you need to begin fulfilling your dream of becoming an author.

The reality is, stories are powerful. The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun; however when we go through tough times, we tend to feel completely alone. However reading a story, whether fiction or true, can bring hope and encouragement. The length doesn’t seem to matter; it is the content that makes the impact.

(Check out It Only Takes a Spark – I share a vision God gave me about books and stories.)

Background of the word Author

If you take a look at the etymology of the word author, its Latin root is auctor which means ‘increase, originate, promote.’ So an author is someone who creates or originates information. So, with that being said, if you have a desire to put words together, it’s time to get going!

Now I know, a book can be a daunting project. When you start looking at putting together a minimum of 40,000 words together that actually make sense, that is a lot! My best friend has a saying that makes the both of us laugh. In looking at a huge undertaking, she says, “Well, how hard can it be?” I will be honest, choosing to write a book is a lot. Don’t me wrong, it can be done, but there are several other ways to become a published author – whether you don’t have the time, the patience, or if your story isn’t enough for a full book.

5 Places to Share Your Written Work

Personal Blog

The blog is a form of publishing that evolved from the concept of an online diary. Starting in the 1990, this practice of sharing parts of your life or expertise through words, photos, and video has become a large part of the internet today. There are over 600 million blogs on the internet with 60-75% of internet users consuming that content! So if you want to get your thoughts and ideas out there, consider starting a blog. Keep in mind, having your own blog does take time, effort and consistency, but it is a great way to release your words into the world!

Someone Else’s Blog

As I mentioned above, blogging requires consistency. You can get your work published and give a blogger a fabulous gift by supplying them with valuable content! If you have expertise in a specific area, find a blog where you can contribute and ask if you can be a guest blogger. You will want to do your research and understand their audience and the general format they follow. Keep that in mind as you write for them, then share your blog!


Another great way to publish your written work is to submit articles to both online and print publications. If you go online and search for a specific type of publication asking for articles, you will find many resources looking for content. Some of these are even paid opportunities! In doing your research, look through these publications before you begin to write to get an idea of the types of writing they print; and modify your writing accordingly.

Short Stories

Sharing a specific event in your life as a short story is a great way to share hope and encouragement with the world—while becoming a published author. Submitting your story as part of an anthology is a great way to partner with others to get your story into the hands of many more people. One famous anthology project is Chicken Soup for the Soul. This inspirational brand has over 275 titles and has sold more than 110 million copies in the US and Canada. They are always accepting stories for their books.

There are other anthology projects that may charge the authors a fee. If the project interests you, don’t hesitate to jump in. Paying to help edit, layout, and publish your written works doesn’t make you any less of a published author.

Kingdom Publishing’s God Met Me Here project has been a great way for individuals to become published authors by sharing their testimonies. Check out God Met Me Here and God Met Me Here 2. If this idea is exciting to you, keep your eyes open for author calls for this series in the future!


There is always the obvious way to share your written words—publish a book. If this is a desire in your heart, you are not alone. Some statistics say upwards of 80% of people feel they should write a book. Only 15% have actually started, and only 6% have even gotten halfway through. These facts are here to discourage you, just giving you a realistic look at the unfulfilled goals so many have spoken. I am here to tell you, if you want to publish a book, you can do it! It just takes commitment, hard work, and a team of people to help you accomplish this goal.

The First Step in Becoming a Published Author

Now that you have several ways of becoming a published author, here is the most important tip to finding this success.


I know. It seems simple, however, as I am sharing this bit of advice with you, and am taking it for me as well. (Yes, I am admitting that sometimes my sock drawer gets organized before I sit down to write.) Set your goals and schedule your time, and do what it takes to write the article or the blog. Outline your short story, or even begin to tackle that book!
Your words are important because they carry the hope and wisdom to encourage someone to keep moving forward. You got this! You are just words away from being a published author!

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